Saturday, May 15, 2010

My Spending Spree

I have been a personal finance savvy since childhood. I love saving money, seeing my money grow, tracking my expenses, reducing my spending and so on. I never had any problem with money not even when I got my first job. This is because I had a goal of saving for further studies at that time. But then, when I finished my studies and got my real first job, I went mad with my money.

When I graduated, I had some 50K left with me. And I was earning close to 20K. But in two months I was left with 11K only, given I had no rent to pay at that time. What went wrong, almost everything? I had too much of cash flow but no goals for me. Now I didn't have to save for studies and other then that I never wanted anything at that stage. Thankfully, I realized my spending problem before it came close to becoming addiction and came back on correct track.

What about you? Have you faced similar attitude change?

1 comment:

  1. I often go off on spending sprees and realize my folly later on. Best thing is to track spending and hold off on the big ticket items for a while so that you get some time to think about it and in most cases not fall in the trap.
